Paris Yellow pages
La Librairie Internationale
International books in modern languages. Novels, biographies, travel, languages, videos. A large and well-organized computer-assisted learning area, also includes books and videos for children.Metro:...
Paris Yellow pages
International Chamber of Commerce
The ICC represents the business interests of multinational corporations and lobbies for them at world organsiations including the United Nations. The ICC also administers the International Court of Ar...
Paris Yellow pages
Rugby Yvelines Business Club
The Rugby Business Club is a non-profit organisation founded by the Yvelines General Council with a view to strengthening ties between the Department and the British business community.
Paris Yellow pages
Women's International Club
Anglophone, multinational club open to all women who have lived in an international environment. For women living in and around Paris. Monthly meeting with a guest speaker followed by lunch. Offer a w...
Paris Yellow pages
The Caledonian Society of France
Founded in 1922 for Scots in France, The Caledonian Society of France now boasts a large membership consisting both of Scots and of lovers of Scotland, brought together with a view to maintaining Scot...