Sat, 27 July 2024
Europe's news in English
London News

The 'Butcher of Bosnia' to serve rest of his sentence in the UK

Karadžić jailed in the UK.  On Wednesday 12 May 2021, the British foreign office agreed to a prisoner transfer of  Radovan Karadžić, the ex-Bosnian leader convicted of the Srebrenica genocide. The fo...
London News

Thirteen Royal Guards arrested after rave party

Thirteen Royal Guards have been arrested for breaking security rules. The soldiers are accused of having participated in a rave party near the Windsor royal estate, where Her Majesty the Queen Eli...
London News

Londoners feeling safer, says survey

Londoners are feeling safer, more optimistic and more satisfied than at any time in the last decade, according to the Annual London Survey 2010. Over 80 per cent of Londoners are happy with the ci...
London News

Under-age rapes rise in London

The number of rapes reported in the capital last year by those under the age of 16 rose by 23 per cent. Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson described the jump in the number of reported rapes in the c...
London News

Teenage gun crime on the increase

The London Evening Standard reports that gun crime in the capital is rising dramatically, driven by teenage
London News

Safer neighbourhood campaign

A new initiative by the Metropolitan Police will give London
London News

Blunt 2 reduces knife crime

Figures released from London
London News

London’s new police chief.

London finally has a new police chief following the controversial departure of Sir Ian Blair last October. The appointment of 55-year old Lancastrian Sir Paul Stephenson as metropolitan police commiss...
London News

London Met mulls policing priorities.

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is calling on Londoners to have their say in determining policing priorities over the next three years. A short on-line questionnaire asks
London News

Thieves target London drain covers.

More than 40 cast-iron gully grates have been stolen from roads in northwest London since the beginning of June. Scrap iron thieves are thought to be responsible for the disappearance of the 50 kg dra...
London News

London police deploy more

Police are deploying special stop and search teams in key areas of London in response to the rise in fatal knife attacks in the capital. Using powers granted under Section 60 of the Public Order Act,...
London News

Tough on youth crime on London buses.

Extra officers from the Transport Operational Command Unit (TOCU) of the Metropolitan Police have been patrolling buses in 20 London boroughs to combat rising youth crime.


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