Sun, 19 January 2025
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Jersey What's on

Hunt the Mammoths.

30 Sept 2008- 9 May 2009. An exhibition about the mammoths and the mammoth hunters that lived in Jersey during the Ice Age 250,000 years ago. Some 140,000 remains make up the la Collette de St Brelad...
Jersey What's on

Drawing for all.

Jersey is promoting drawing throughout October, in line with a similar campaign in the United Kingdom, called The Big Draw ( In Jersey four outdoor workshops are being or...
Jersey What's on

Hunt the Mammoths.

30 Sept 2008- 9 May 2009. An exhibition about the mammoths and the mammoth hunters that lived in Jersey during the Ice Age 250,000 years ago. Some 140,000 remains make up the la Collette de St Brelad...
Jersey What's on

Ian Rolls. Outside Looking In.

12-26 July 2008. Ian Rolls returns to Jersey from Devon with an exhibition of new paintings. Rolls became famous in Jersey for his cartoon-like landscapes of the island. The paintings on show are in...
Jersey What's on

Jersey Society of Artists.

2 June-8 September 2008. Summer show. Collection of works by local professional and amateur artists. Portraits, landscapes, mixed media and prints.
Jersey What's on

Jersey cattle and farming in art.

20 May-7 June 2008. To coincide with the 18th international Jersey cattle conference. 19th and 20th paintings of cattle and farming in Jersey, including work of one of Jersey
Jersey What's on

Graham Tovey and Paul Kilshaw.

1-2 and 8-9 Dec. Paintings. Open house at the artists' studio in Grouville from 11.00 onwards.
Jersey What's on

17th-20th century paintings.

Until 20 Dec. Exhibition of Jersey paintings at Soci
Jersey What's on

Falle Fine Arts Gallery.

5-24 Dec. Christmas exhibition paintings and sculpture by Jersey artists.
Jersey What's on

Coastline campaign.

Prince Charles has given his support to an art exhibition and sale organised by the National Trust for Jersey to raise funds for its
Jersey What's on

Annual air display.

The annual Battle of Britain air display, supporting the work of the Royal Air Forces Association, takes to the skies in Jersey tomorrow, Thursday 13 September. The display will take place as usual...
Jersey What's on

Billie Newey. Journeys with Paint.

21 May-9 June 2007. This large selection of abstract paintings is the journey into Newey
Jersey What's on

Beyond Sensation.

Art of the last ten years from the Deutsche Bank Collection. 10 May-22 July. Works on paper from the bank
Jersey What's on

Colours of Jersey and Elsewhere. Alastair Best.

15 May-1 June 2007. The works, in oils, acrylics and watercolours, centre on Best
Jersey What's on

Chasing the Cod: Jerseymen in Canada.

4 April-10 November 2007. The exhibition explains and chronicles the connections between Jersey and the Gasp
Jersey What's on

Secret Destinations.

Secret Destinations. Poems by Charles Causley and paintings by Robert Tilling. 2-14 April 2007. This loan exhibition of watercolours by one of Jersey


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