13-28 Sept 2008. The Casa Encendida hosts the sixth edition of this mini-festival dedicated to the diversely able, with dance-theatre companies from Spain, France and Italy performing over three weekends in September. First up is Madrid company Contado Hormigas, a group of seven actors with severe sight impairment, presenting

General Info

Address La Casa Encendida, 2 Ronda de Valencia, tel. +34 902430322, casaencendida@cajamadrid.es

View on Map

Performance Art and Disability 08.

La Casa Encendida, 2 Ronda de Valencia, tel. +34 902430322, casaencendida@cajamadrid.es

Wanted in Europe
Wanted in Europe
Wanted in Europe, part of the Wanted Worldwide network, is a website in English for expatriates in Europe established in 2006. We cover Europe's news stories that may be of interest to English speaking residents along with tourists as well. Our publication also offers classifieds, photos, information on events, museums, churches, galleries, exhibits, fashion, food, and local travel.
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